Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Azores ready or not

June 11
Last minute preparations have been underway all day in anticipation of our departure. Ivor arrived this afternoon. Yea! How lucky are we to have such great friends!

Clair and Bill sent me a few pics so a bit out of sequence but wanted to share.

This will be the last Blog for a few weeks. Everyone is doing last minute emails and Skype calls. I'll have plenty ready to upload when we arrive but in the mean time think good thoughts and westerly breezes in the 15 - 20 k range.


  1. Hey you all! Lots of people are aparently trying to comment to you here, and last night Michelle thinks she may have found the answer. She thinks you need to set up a "BLOGGER" account. As if you, too, were writing a blog (even though you are not) and then it will let you post to this blog.

  2. Thanks Michelle/Barbara! If you are seeing this then my problem is solved.

  3. Helen - you did it! Congrats. By the way - what I did today is type in the comment block, then click "PREVIEW" and Google makes me sign into my google gmail account. The it kicks me back to Sue's blog and I have to type an image in a box for confirmation, and then it posts. So now there seem to be two ways to comment that work! ~ Barbara

  4. Sue and Dad - eventually you will get some comments for YOU, and not just comments about the comments LOL!

  5. Barbara, that is exactly what I have to do too. Are you the choc chip cookie fairy?

  6. Hope you have a great leg of the trip
