Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bahamas - Leg two

Uneventful crossing from the Keys to the outer islands of the Bahamas. Motor sailed the majority of the night in no wind and glassy seas. The drone of the engine was finally silenced about 3a.m. and we sailed at over 7 knots under clear skies for much of the morning.

As we began our crossing of the Banks the wind changed and we were forced to motor sail again. However, the starboard engine didn't respond. Drama of the day. All sails down and King jumped overboard to check the props. A rope was tied around his waist to make sure we didnt lose him. Kinda like trolling. Anyway, sure enough, we had picked up a large black rope loaded with fishing line. Once untangled we were on our way again. Our plan is to travel through the Bahamas by day and anchor at night until we get a good weather window to make the jump to Bermuda.

Our days are settling into a routine. I make coffee and then start breakfast. Once breakfast is finished, I pull out the flour and yeast to begin the days bread. Then we take showers, read, play Sudoko, and write. At noon, I make lunch and as soon as clean up is done Its time to start thinking about dinner. All the meat is frozen so I need a few hours to unthaw if we are going to have dinner aboard. Ive stayed pretty close to the menus. those have really been helpful. The afternoon is back to the books and email. It's also time to do boat chores and the occasional nap. Dinner is served around 7 p.m. This gives us time to put everything away by dark when our formal watches begin or a cut throat game of dominos.

New achievements: Ed got the Wi fi hooked up late yesterday. We will be ready to sign on when Ostinato reaches Bermuda.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! This is Ed's daughter-in-law. I love following your blog and tracking your route on spot and ais. We hope Ed's having a great time and everyone here gives a big shout out to OPA! Keep writing and post pictures when possible.
