Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Day 5, June 16.
32.36 lat. 53.38 long.
Rain, wind ESE 10-15. Expect WSW later this afternoon.

I go to bed thinking about what I will make for breakfast. As soon as the breakfast dishes are cleared, I begin thinking about lunch and so the day goes thru dinner, ready to start the cycle over again. Overall, we have
eaten well. The menus I prepared before leaving have been really helpful. I don't follow them precisely but they remind me what I have on board and I cross each meal off as its completed.

Each crew eats differently. King eats like a bird. Ed is a big eater. And Cliff was dieting so you never knew what he would eat. Ivor is also a big eater so I've had to adjust to make sure there is enough to go around. My biggest mistake so far is coffee. Ivor likes his strong enough that you don't need a cup. King....more like dish water and then he adds cream and sugar. In fear that we would run out and I would have a caffeine melt down aboard, we made coffee compromises. The coffee will be a bit strong for King and a little mild for Ivor. Ivor also has a stash that he can raid if he needs a caffeine jolt. Day one of the trial worked well. King didn't notice and Ivor gave a thumbs up to the brew. If all the worlds problems were so easy.

One of the hardest things about being on a crossing like this is the lack of information about what's going on in the world. We have not been able to pick up BBC or VOA on the radio so all of us are clueless to what's happening in the world. Its only been 5 days But it gives you a very detached feeling. We have decided that as long as things are good on this small patch of the ocean, things are good.

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