Saturday, April 14, 2012

24 days - Yikes!

We are now officially 24 days (or so) to cutting the dock lines and beginning our sail across the Atlantic to Europe.  I'm excited about the adventure; anxious and a bit nervous about the crossing, and overwhelmed with all that's left to do to get us ready to leave.....but in the words of Scarlet "I'll think of that tomorrow". 

This will be our second sailing adventure.  The first a circumnavigation of the Caribbean.  Long enough ago that there was no email or cell phones.  This time we are OFFICIALLY retired so hope to be able to linger a bit longer wherever we may decide to land.

The planned route is to the Keys, the Bahamas, Bermuda, Azores, and finally our destination Ireland.  The crew will consist of Kingsley and me ( Sue), King's brother Clif and our friend and neighbor Ed.  I like to call this the ship of old fools......Once we arrive in Ireland, Clif and Ed will depart (likely jumping ship at the first sight of land!) and we will spend the rest of the summer cruising Ireland and Scotland.  In September, Ostinato will head for London to winter at St. Katharine's Marina. 

The next few weeks will be hectic.  I'm still trying to decide what clothes to take, what to store and what to give away.  There is the provisioning room, the Goodwill room and the to be install on the boat (hopefully soon!) room.  The provisioning list is complete but the shopping is not completed.  And of course, since the boat is still a work in progress adding anything else on would be simply increasing the chaos.  It will wait until next week...or so.

1 comment:

  1. Ed, how exciting for all of you! Thanks for sharing the blog - I can't wait to read more in the coming days! The catamaran model was great...only at Shell Point's ABYC! My best to all and good luck during this wonderful adventure. BZ
